C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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399 lines
TITLE: S6 Cross-Assembler (Portable);
DATE: 08/27/1988;
DESCRIPTION: "This program lets you use your computer to assemble
code for the SGS S6 family of microprocessors. The
program is written in portable C rather than BDS C.
All assembler features are supported except relocation
linkage, and macros.";
KEYWORDS: Software Development, Assemblers, Cross-Assemblers,
SGS, S6 family;
COMPILERS: Aztec C86, Aztec CII, CI-C86, Eco-C, Eco-C88, HP-UX,
Lattice C, Microsoft C, QNIX C;
WARNINGS: "This program is written in as portable C as possible.
A port to BDS C would be extremely difficult. A port
to Toolworks C is untried."
AUTHORS: William C. Colley III;
S6 Cross-Assembler in Portable C
Copyright (c) 1986, 1987 William C. Colley, III
Revision History:
Ver Date Description
0.0 NOV 1987 Derived from my 6502 cross-assembler. WCC3.
0.1 JUNE 1988 Fixed glitches in the relative jumps and in the bit
operations to make the assembler conform to the
machine rather than to the machine's documentation.
0.2 AUG 1988 Fixed a bug in the command line parser that puts it
into a VERY long loop if the user types a command line
like "AS6 FILE.ASM -L". WCC3 per Alex Cameron.
This header file contains the global constants and data type definitions for
all modules of the cross-assembler. This also seems a good place to put the
compilation and linkage instructions for the animal. This list currently
includes the following compilers:
Compiler Name Op. Sys. Processor
1) Aztec C86 CP/M-86 8086, 8088
2) AZTEC C II CP/M-80 8080, Z-80
3) Computer Innovations C86 MSDOS/PCDOS 8086, 8088
4) Eco-C CP/M-80 Z-80
5) Eco-C88 MSDOS/PCDOS 8086, 8088
6) HP C HP-UX 68000
7) Lattice C MSDOS/PCDOS 8086, 8088
8) Microsoft C MSDOS/PCDOS 8086, 8088
9) QNIX C QNIX 8086, 8088
Further additions will be made to the list as users feed the information to
me. This particularly applies to UNIX and IBM-PC compilers.
Compile-assemble-link instructions for this program under various compilers
and operating systems:
1) Aztec C86:
A) Uncomment out the "#define AZTEC_C 1" line and comment out all
other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Assuming that all files are on drive A:, run the following
sequence of command lines:
A>cc as6
A>cc as6eval
A>cc as6util
A>ln as6.o as6eval.o as6util.o -lc
A>era as6*.o
2) Aztec CII (version 1.06B):
A) Uncomment out the "#define AZTEC_C 1" line and comment out all
other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Assuming the C compiler is called "CC.COM" and all files are
on drive A:, run the following sequence of command lines:
A>cc as6
A>as -zap as6
A>cc as6eval
A>as -zap as6eval
A>cc as6util
A>as -zap as6util
A>ln as6.o as6eval.o as6util.o -lc
A>era as6*.o
3) Computer Innovations C86:
A) Uncomment out the "#define CI_C86 1" line and comment out all
other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Compile the files AS6.C, AS6EVAL.C, and AS6UTIL.C. Link
according to instructions that come with the compiler.
4) Eco-C (CP/M-80 version 3.10):
A) Uncomment out the "#define ECO_C 1" line and comment out all
other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Assuming all files are on drive A:, run the following sequence of
command lines:
A>cp as6 -i -m
A>cp as6eval -i -m
A>cp as6util -i -m
A>l80 as6,as6eval,as6util,as6/n/e
A>era as6*.mac
A>era as6*.rel
5) Eco-C88:
A) Uncomment out the "#define ECO_C 1" line and comment out all
other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Compile the files AS6.C, AS6EVAL.C, and AS6UTIL.C. Link
according to instructions that come with the compiler.
6) HP-UX (a UNIX look-alike running on an HP-9000 Series 200/500,
68000-based machine):
A) Uncomment out the "#define HP_UX 1" line and comment out all
other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Run the following command line:
. cc as6.c as6eval.c as6util.c
7) Lattice C:
A) Uncomment out the "#define LATTICE_C 1" line and comment out all
other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Compile the files AS6.C, AS6EVAL.C, and AS6UTIL.C. Link
according to instructions that come with the compiler.
8) Microsoft C (version 3.00):
A) Uncomment out the "#define MICROSOFT_C 1" line and comment out
all other compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Run the following command line:
C>cl as6.c as6eval.c as6util.c
9) QNIX C:
A) Uncomment out the "#define QNIX 1" line and comment out all other
compiler names in AS6.H.
B) Run the following command line:
. cc as6.c as6eval.c as6util.c
Note that, under CP/M-80, you can't re-execute a core image from a previous
assembly run with the "@.COM" trick. This technique is incompatible with the
Aztec CII compiler, so I didn't bother to support it at all.
#include <stdio.h>
/* Comment out all but the line containing the name of your compiler: */
#define AZTEC_C 1
/* #define CI_C86 1 */
/* #define ECO_C 1 */
/* #define HP_UX 1 */
/* #define LATTICE_C 1 */
/* #define MICROSOFT_C 1 */
/* #define QNIX 1 */
/* Compiler dependencies: */
#ifdef AZTEC_C
#define getc(f) agetc(f)
#define putc(c,f) aputc(c,f)
#ifndef ECO_C
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE (!0)
#ifdef LATTICE_C
#define void int
#ifdef QNIX
#define fprintf tfprintf
#define printf tprintf
/* On 8-bit machines, the static type is as efficient as the register */
/* type and far more efficient than the auto type. On larger machines */
/* such as the 8086 family, this is not necessarily the case. To */
/* let you experiment to see what generates the fastest, smallest code */
/* for your machine, I have declared internal scratch variables in */
/* functions "SCRATCH int", "SCRATCH unsigned", etc. A SCRATCH */
/* varible is made static below, but you might want to try register */
/* instead. */
#define SCRATCH static
/* A slow, but portable way of cracking an unsigned into its various */
/* component parts: */
#define clamp(u) ((u) &= 0xffff)
#define high(u) (((u) >> 8) & 0xff)
#define low(u) ((u) & 0xff)
#define word(u) ((u) & 0xffff)
/* The longest source line the assembler can hold without exploding: */
#define MAXLINE 255
/* The maximum number of source files that can be open simultaneously: */
#define FILES 4
/* The fatal error messages generated by the assembler: */
#define ASMOPEN "Source File Did Not Open"
#define ASMREAD "Error Reading Source File"
#define DSKFULL "Disk or Directory Full"
#define FLOFLOW "File Stack Overflow"
#define HEXOPEN "Object File Did Not Open"
#define IFOFLOW "If Stack Overflow"
#define LSTOPEN "Listing File Did Not Open"
#define NOASM "No Source File Specified"
#define SYMBOLS "Too Many Symbols"
/* The warning messages generated by the assembler: */
#define BADOPT "Illegal Option Ignored"
#define NOHEX "-o Option Ignored -- No File Name"
#define NOLST "-l Option Ignored -- No File Name"
#define TWOASM "Extra Source File Ignored"
#define TWOHEX "Extra Object File Ignored"
#define TWOLST "Extra Listing File Ignored"
/* Line assembler (AS6.C) constants: */
#define BIGINST 3 /* longest instruction length */
#define IFDEPTH 16 /* maximum IF nesting level */
#define NOP 0x04 /* processor's NOP opcode */
#define ON 1 /* assembly turned on */
#define OFF -1 /* assembly turned off */
/* Line assembler (AS6.C) opcode attribute word flag masks: */
#define PSEUDO 0400 /* is pseudo op */
#define ISIF 0200 /* is IF, ELSE, or ENDIF */
/* Line assembler (AS6.C) pseudo-op opcode token values: */
#define DB 1
#define DS 2
#define DW 3
#define ELSE 4